The Shih Tzu Club of Wales and Western Counties - Open Show 05/11/2023
Thank you to the officers and committee of the club for inviting me to judge my first Breed club Open show. Thank you to my 2 very helpful and supportive stewards. Thank you also to everyone who entered under me and for accepting my decisions in a sporting manner. There was a great atmosphere at the show.
Minor Puppy Dog (1 entry)
The only puppy present today.
7.5 month old gold and white male. Up to size. Raw baby at the moment.
Large well rounded skull. Would prefer a larger, more rounded and darker eye to enhance expression.. Excellent mouth with wide jaw and good dentition. Would prefer a shorter muzzle and more tip tilt to nose. Excellent well open nostrils. Decent front assembly, would like more width through chest. Spring of rib has time to develop. Well coupled. Excellent high set on tail, carried well over back. Delightful temperament. Moved well with enough reach & drive. Good coat coming through. BPIS
Puppy dog (1 entry 1 abs)
Junior dog (3 entries, 1 abs)
Yorke & Keree - Bartolo, Mrs F & Mrs S MIDDLETUNE BLAZZIN SADDLES
13 months Solid gold with black mask dog. Up to size. Good outline on the stand showing good overall balance. Large well rounded skull, dark eyes set well apart. Would prefer them to be rounder to enhance expression. Excellent short, wide muzzle with well defined stop and well open nostrils. Wide jaw, slightly undershot with excellent dentition.
Good forechest, excellent width and depth through chest. Nicely arched neck. Excellent spring of rib. Well coupled. Level top line at all times. High set on of tail and carried ok. very muscular rear which allowed him to drive in movement showing full pads. Well coated. Overall a sturdy young dog of nice type. Pushed hard for RBD.
17 month gold & white dog of a correct overall size. Beautiful, correct head which was large, Broad and round. Large round eyes well spaced. Short, square muzzle with good width, tip tilted nose, wide open nostrils. Well arched neck into well laid shoulders. I would like more width throughout his chest. Top line needs to settle. High set tail which was carried well enough both standing and on the move. Moved with enthusiasm. Excellent temperament. Coat coming on well. Just preferred the overall substance and rear movement of the winner.
Novice dog (1 entry)
1st Keree Bartolo , Mrs S L SHIRKEIRA VALENTE
13 month old gold and white dog of a smaller size. Decent overall shape & balance but would prefer him lower stationed. Pretty head perhaps a touch feminine . Good size well rounded skull. Dark eyes which were round and ok for size. Short square muzzle with good tip tilt to nose. Wide open nostrils. Slightly undershot jaw with good width and excellent dentition.
Well arched neck, chest deep enough but would like more width and more bone throughout. Enough spring of rib & well coupled. Level top line and good set on of tail. Moved with sufficient reach & drive showing pad. Correct coat.
Post Graduate (2 entries )
1st Keree Bartolo , Mrs S L SHIRKEIRA VALENTE (repeat novice dog)
2nd 2nd Ms A Bryant’s MIDDLETUNE BILLY THE KID (repeat junior dog)
A close decision between these 2, I prefer the head, expression and size of 2 but he couldn’t match the winner on overall movement.
Limit dog (2 entries)
2 1/2 year old deep gold & white dog. An exuberant boy, Correct outline, well balanced. Large well rounded, broad skull. Large, dark round eyes which were well spaced. well defined stop. Correctly placed nose with slight tip tilt, wide open nostrils, slightly undershot wide jaw with excellent dentition. He was really well made all through. Excellent width through the chest, with good depth reaching just below the elbows which were tight to the body. well sprung ribs, well coupled and really well muscled all through. Very masculine and sturdy body without being overdone. Well boned. Level top line , high set on of tail which was carried well over his back. He moved well enough when settled to show good forward reach and excellent rear drive allowing him to show full pad. Found he could lose his shape slightly when he got over excited. Won his RBD on breed type.
2nd Gilkes, Mrs G M ZEEVA COOL DUDE
21 months gold & white dog. I wondered if this was my winner. Looks an absolute picture standing with such a typical outline and excellent head to tail balance. Beautiful head piece, Large round skull which was broad. Darkest of eyes which were large, round and well spaced. Well defined stop. Well placed nose, wide nostrils. Slightly undershot wide jaw with excellent dentition. All of this made for a warm, melting expression but not losing his arrogance. Well arched neck. Wide chest with good depth. Really well boned. Sturdy all through, Fair spring of rib and Well coupled. High set on tail with excellent carriage, well over the back. He was less than enthusiastic on the move today so couldn’t match that of the winner and had to settle for 2nd place. However I could see enough reach and drive showing pads. A lovely young dog.
Open Dog (2 entries, 1 abs)
7 year old gold and white male. Upstanding, sturdy boy of excellent type. Classic balanced outline on the stand. Large, round, broad head so masculine. Large, well spaced dark eyes. Correctly placed nose on level with lower eye rim, wide open nostrils. Slight tip tilt to nose giving an arrogant expression. Slightly undershot, Broad jaw with straight dentition. Good chin. Excellent neck which was well arched allowing him to carry his head proudly, adding to his lovely balanced carriage on the move. Well boned. Good width to chest, excellent spring of rib reaching well back. Well coupled. Correctly high set on of tail carried well over back. Really well muscled rear. Moved so well keeping his shape at all times and showing the desired reach and drive with full pad. BEST DOG, BOS, BVIS, RESERVE BEST IN SHOW.
Pet trim (1 entry)
1st - Yorke & Keree Bartolo SHIRKEIRA RAGAMUFFIN AT MIDDLETUNE - rising 5 year old gold and white male. Good for size and overall shape. Nothing overdone with this boy. Large, round head, dark eye which could be larger. Wide jaw with ex dentition & good chin. Good forechest with decent width and excellent depth. Front fairly straight. Good spring of rib. Really well coupled. Level top line. High set tail which was carried well. Excellent rear angulation. Well padded feet. He moved with enthusiasm showing correct reach and drive with full pad.
Veteran Dog or Bitch
1st Sullivan, Ms J - CH JACQUINTA LETS GO ANDY (repeat open dog)
Rising 9 year old gold & white bitch. Good overall size. Head rather small and fine. Dark eye. Well defined stop. Well placed nose slightly tip tilted. Wide jaw. Would prefer more reach of neck and layback of shoulder. Excellent forechest, really well let down and excellent spring of rib. Really well coupled. High set on of tail which was carried well over back. Held a level top line. Moderate rear which was well muscled and which she used to her advantage on the move, showing good drive and pads. Really well coated, dense with moderate undercoat. Excellent temperament. BVB
Junior Bitch (2 entries)
1st Yorke & Keree Bartolo - MIDDLETUNE MODESTY BLAISE
13.5months gold & white bitch fully grown. Balanced in shape. Pretty head which was good for size, well rounded & broad skull. Beautiful dark round eyes well spaced and of a decent size. Ample width to muzzle. Well placed nose with wide nostrils. well defined stop, slightly undershot jaw, excellent dentition with good chin. Warm expression. Excellent reach of neck into well laid shoulder. Straight front. I thought she could have more width through her chest & body. Level top line held at all times. Enough spring of rib. Well coupled. High set on teapot tail carried well over back at all times. So balanced on the move with good reach & drive showing full pad. RESERVE BEST BITCH
2nd Yorke & Keree Bartolo - MIDDLETUNE CHANTILLY LACE smaller than 1 but I liked her size and she had good proportions.
Skull well rounded but could be broader. Eyes round & well spaced but would prefer them to be darker. Well placed nose, defined stop. Would prefer more width throughout. Level top line & well set tail with good carriage. Moved well when settled, it was all very exciting for her today! Lovely temperament and coat coming along well.
Novice bitch (1entry)
19 months gold & white bitch of a good overall size. Well proportioned & sturdy. Excellent head, Broad skull, well rounded. Large, dark, round eyes which were well spaced. Short, square muzzle. Well defined stop & well placed nose with wide nostrils. Wide, undershot jaw giving excellent chin enhancing her overall correct expression. Sufficient forechest. Well arched neck. Good layback of shoulder. Enough width through chest with good spring of rib. Well coupled. Level top line . Tail set on high. Rear was so well muscled, this showed in her movement. Powerful drive showing full pads. Can settle in front movement which I’m sure will come. Coat at in between stage but does not detract from her obvious breed type qualities.
Post Graduate (3 entries)
1st Middletune Modesty Blaise(repeat 1st in junior b)
2nd Ethelsmead Working Girl at Shidizzle (repeat 1st in novice b)
3rd Middletune Chantilly Lace (repeat 2nd in Junior b)
Limit bitch (5 entries, 2 abs)
Rising 3 years old gold and white bitch of excellent size and shape and correct balance. Large, well rounded broad head, round dark eyes of a good size , well spaced. Well defined, deep stop. Correct nose length with wide open nostrils. Well placed on a level with lower eye rim. Slightly undershot, wide jaw with excellent dentition & good chin giving a classic warm yet arrogant expression. Well arched neck. nicely angulated front . Good forechest , well let down. Well sprung ribs reaching well back. Well coupled, level top line, high set tail carried well at all times. Really well angulated & muscled rear which gave her good drive showing full pad. Good front reach. Excellent profile movement keeping her balanced shape at all times. Topped off with a beautiful well presented coat. BEST BITCH, BEST IN SHOW.
2nd Middletune Modesty Blaise (repeat Junior Bitch)
3rd Middletune Chantilly Lace (repeat 2nd Junior Bitch)
Open Bitch (3 entries, 2 abs)
1st Diffey Mrs M - MARHILWAY SPIRITED EDGE 4 years gold & white bitch just back from maternal duties. Correct for size & overall shape & balance. Well rounded skull which was large. Largest of eyes, so dark and round. Well defined stop. Good width to muzzle. Well placed nose with slight tip tilt. Wide open nostrils. Slightly undershot jaw, good dentition. Excellent forechest. Could be let down a fraction more. Well sprung ribs. Will body up again given time. Level top line. High set on tail carried well. Moderately angulated rear, enough width throughout. Moved well showing good reach and enough drive to show full pad. Kept her shape on the move. Coat recovering well. Overall a nice type bitch with a lot to like.
Natalie De La Cour (Coursani)
Thank you to the officers and committee of the club for inviting me to judge my first Breed club Open show. Thank you to my 2 very helpful and supportive stewards. Thank you also to everyone who entered under me and for accepting my decisions in a sporting manner. There was a great atmosphere at the show.
Minor Puppy Dog (1 entry)
The only puppy present today.
7.5 month old gold and white male. Up to size. Raw baby at the moment.
Large well rounded skull. Would prefer a larger, more rounded and darker eye to enhance expression.. Excellent mouth with wide jaw and good dentition. Would prefer a shorter muzzle and more tip tilt to nose. Excellent well open nostrils. Decent front assembly, would like more width through chest. Spring of rib has time to develop. Well coupled. Excellent high set on tail, carried well over back. Delightful temperament. Moved well with enough reach & drive. Good coat coming through. BPIS
Puppy dog (1 entry 1 abs)
Junior dog (3 entries, 1 abs)
Yorke & Keree - Bartolo, Mrs F & Mrs S MIDDLETUNE BLAZZIN SADDLES
13 months Solid gold with black mask dog. Up to size. Good outline on the stand showing good overall balance. Large well rounded skull, dark eyes set well apart. Would prefer them to be rounder to enhance expression. Excellent short, wide muzzle with well defined stop and well open nostrils. Wide jaw, slightly undershot with excellent dentition.
Good forechest, excellent width and depth through chest. Nicely arched neck. Excellent spring of rib. Well coupled. Level top line at all times. High set on of tail and carried ok. very muscular rear which allowed him to drive in movement showing full pads. Well coated. Overall a sturdy young dog of nice type. Pushed hard for RBD.
17 month gold & white dog of a correct overall size. Beautiful, correct head which was large, Broad and round. Large round eyes well spaced. Short, square muzzle with good width, tip tilted nose, wide open nostrils. Well arched neck into well laid shoulders. I would like more width throughout his chest. Top line needs to settle. High set tail which was carried well enough both standing and on the move. Moved with enthusiasm. Excellent temperament. Coat coming on well. Just preferred the overall substance and rear movement of the winner.
Novice dog (1 entry)
1st Keree Bartolo , Mrs S L SHIRKEIRA VALENTE
13 month old gold and white dog of a smaller size. Decent overall shape & balance but would prefer him lower stationed. Pretty head perhaps a touch feminine . Good size well rounded skull. Dark eyes which were round and ok for size. Short square muzzle with good tip tilt to nose. Wide open nostrils. Slightly undershot jaw with good width and excellent dentition.
Well arched neck, chest deep enough but would like more width and more bone throughout. Enough spring of rib & well coupled. Level top line and good set on of tail. Moved with sufficient reach & drive showing pad. Correct coat.
Post Graduate (2 entries )
1st Keree Bartolo , Mrs S L SHIRKEIRA VALENTE (repeat novice dog)
2nd 2nd Ms A Bryant’s MIDDLETUNE BILLY THE KID (repeat junior dog)
A close decision between these 2, I prefer the head, expression and size of 2 but he couldn’t match the winner on overall movement.
Limit dog (2 entries)
2 1/2 year old deep gold & white dog. An exuberant boy, Correct outline, well balanced. Large well rounded, broad skull. Large, dark round eyes which were well spaced. well defined stop. Correctly placed nose with slight tip tilt, wide open nostrils, slightly undershot wide jaw with excellent dentition. He was really well made all through. Excellent width through the chest, with good depth reaching just below the elbows which were tight to the body. well sprung ribs, well coupled and really well muscled all through. Very masculine and sturdy body without being overdone. Well boned. Level top line , high set on of tail which was carried well over his back. He moved well enough when settled to show good forward reach and excellent rear drive allowing him to show full pad. Found he could lose his shape slightly when he got over excited. Won his RBD on breed type.
2nd Gilkes, Mrs G M ZEEVA COOL DUDE
21 months gold & white dog. I wondered if this was my winner. Looks an absolute picture standing with such a typical outline and excellent head to tail balance. Beautiful head piece, Large round skull which was broad. Darkest of eyes which were large, round and well spaced. Well defined stop. Well placed nose, wide nostrils. Slightly undershot wide jaw with excellent dentition. All of this made for a warm, melting expression but not losing his arrogance. Well arched neck. Wide chest with good depth. Really well boned. Sturdy all through, Fair spring of rib and Well coupled. High set on tail with excellent carriage, well over the back. He was less than enthusiastic on the move today so couldn’t match that of the winner and had to settle for 2nd place. However I could see enough reach and drive showing pads. A lovely young dog.
Open Dog (2 entries, 1 abs)
7 year old gold and white male. Upstanding, sturdy boy of excellent type. Classic balanced outline on the stand. Large, round, broad head so masculine. Large, well spaced dark eyes. Correctly placed nose on level with lower eye rim, wide open nostrils. Slight tip tilt to nose giving an arrogant expression. Slightly undershot, Broad jaw with straight dentition. Good chin. Excellent neck which was well arched allowing him to carry his head proudly, adding to his lovely balanced carriage on the move. Well boned. Good width to chest, excellent spring of rib reaching well back. Well coupled. Correctly high set on of tail carried well over back. Really well muscled rear. Moved so well keeping his shape at all times and showing the desired reach and drive with full pad. BEST DOG, BOS, BVIS, RESERVE BEST IN SHOW.
Pet trim (1 entry)
1st - Yorke & Keree Bartolo SHIRKEIRA RAGAMUFFIN AT MIDDLETUNE - rising 5 year old gold and white male. Good for size and overall shape. Nothing overdone with this boy. Large, round head, dark eye which could be larger. Wide jaw with ex dentition & good chin. Good forechest with decent width and excellent depth. Front fairly straight. Good spring of rib. Really well coupled. Level top line. High set tail which was carried well. Excellent rear angulation. Well padded feet. He moved with enthusiasm showing correct reach and drive with full pad.
Veteran Dog or Bitch
1st Sullivan, Ms J - CH JACQUINTA LETS GO ANDY (repeat open dog)
Rising 9 year old gold & white bitch. Good overall size. Head rather small and fine. Dark eye. Well defined stop. Well placed nose slightly tip tilted. Wide jaw. Would prefer more reach of neck and layback of shoulder. Excellent forechest, really well let down and excellent spring of rib. Really well coupled. High set on of tail which was carried well over back. Held a level top line. Moderate rear which was well muscled and which she used to her advantage on the move, showing good drive and pads. Really well coated, dense with moderate undercoat. Excellent temperament. BVB
Junior Bitch (2 entries)
1st Yorke & Keree Bartolo - MIDDLETUNE MODESTY BLAISE
13.5months gold & white bitch fully grown. Balanced in shape. Pretty head which was good for size, well rounded & broad skull. Beautiful dark round eyes well spaced and of a decent size. Ample width to muzzle. Well placed nose with wide nostrils. well defined stop, slightly undershot jaw, excellent dentition with good chin. Warm expression. Excellent reach of neck into well laid shoulder. Straight front. I thought she could have more width through her chest & body. Level top line held at all times. Enough spring of rib. Well coupled. High set on teapot tail carried well over back at all times. So balanced on the move with good reach & drive showing full pad. RESERVE BEST BITCH
2nd Yorke & Keree Bartolo - MIDDLETUNE CHANTILLY LACE smaller than 1 but I liked her size and she had good proportions.
Skull well rounded but could be broader. Eyes round & well spaced but would prefer them to be darker. Well placed nose, defined stop. Would prefer more width throughout. Level top line & well set tail with good carriage. Moved well when settled, it was all very exciting for her today! Lovely temperament and coat coming along well.
Novice bitch (1entry)
19 months gold & white bitch of a good overall size. Well proportioned & sturdy. Excellent head, Broad skull, well rounded. Large, dark, round eyes which were well spaced. Short, square muzzle. Well defined stop & well placed nose with wide nostrils. Wide, undershot jaw giving excellent chin enhancing her overall correct expression. Sufficient forechest. Well arched neck. Good layback of shoulder. Enough width through chest with good spring of rib. Well coupled. Level top line . Tail set on high. Rear was so well muscled, this showed in her movement. Powerful drive showing full pads. Can settle in front movement which I’m sure will come. Coat at in between stage but does not detract from her obvious breed type qualities.
Post Graduate (3 entries)
1st Middletune Modesty Blaise(repeat 1st in junior b)
2nd Ethelsmead Working Girl at Shidizzle (repeat 1st in novice b)
3rd Middletune Chantilly Lace (repeat 2nd in Junior b)
Limit bitch (5 entries, 2 abs)
Rising 3 years old gold and white bitch of excellent size and shape and correct balance. Large, well rounded broad head, round dark eyes of a good size , well spaced. Well defined, deep stop. Correct nose length with wide open nostrils. Well placed on a level with lower eye rim. Slightly undershot, wide jaw with excellent dentition & good chin giving a classic warm yet arrogant expression. Well arched neck. nicely angulated front . Good forechest , well let down. Well sprung ribs reaching well back. Well coupled, level top line, high set tail carried well at all times. Really well angulated & muscled rear which gave her good drive showing full pad. Good front reach. Excellent profile movement keeping her balanced shape at all times. Topped off with a beautiful well presented coat. BEST BITCH, BEST IN SHOW.
2nd Middletune Modesty Blaise (repeat Junior Bitch)
3rd Middletune Chantilly Lace (repeat 2nd Junior Bitch)
Open Bitch (3 entries, 2 abs)
1st Diffey Mrs M - MARHILWAY SPIRITED EDGE 4 years gold & white bitch just back from maternal duties. Correct for size & overall shape & balance. Well rounded skull which was large. Largest of eyes, so dark and round. Well defined stop. Good width to muzzle. Well placed nose with slight tip tilt. Wide open nostrils. Slightly undershot jaw, good dentition. Excellent forechest. Could be let down a fraction more. Well sprung ribs. Will body up again given time. Level top line. High set on tail carried well. Moderately angulated rear, enough width throughout. Moved well showing good reach and enough drive to show full pad. Kept her shape on the move. Coat recovering well. Overall a nice type bitch with a lot to like.
Natalie De La Cour (Coursani)